Kotak Securities has set a base case target of 21,834 for the Nifty50 in the coming year, reflecting a positive outlook despite a tumultuous backdrop. The brokerage’s note highlights the exceptional rally witnessed in 2023, marked by widespread investor participation and resilience against various headwinds.
This year presented a series of challenges for the markets, including geopolitical tensions such as the Russia-Ukraine war and the Israel-Hamas conflict, as well as economic concerns like peak global inflation, rising crude prices, and the peak US 10-year yield. Additionally, a consumption slowdown added to the complexities faced by the markets.
Kotak Securities emphasized the confidence demonstrated by foreign portfolio investors (FPIs) in the Indian capital market, injecting approximately 1.14 trillion into equities year-to-date (YTD). Simultaneously, the retail category, primarily through systematic investment plans (SIPs), invested 1.07 trillion in the first seven months of the financial year 2023-24.
Jaideep Hansraj, CEO of Kotak Securities, acknowledged the challenges, stating, “I don’t think we, or any other part of the world, are in the sweetest spot, as we are currently experiencing many global events, specifically towards India.”
Looking forward, Kotak Securities identifies key factors that will shape the trajectory of global and domestic markets in the first half of 2024. The duration and magnitude of peak interest rates in the US and other developed economies will play a pivotal role in influencing the strength of the global economy and investment sentiment throughout 2024.
Additionally, the anticipated revival in consumption in India may align with increasing disruptions becoming more apparent in specific sectors such as automobiles and paints. As the nation approaches general elections and more state elections in mid-2024, following the five state elections in November 2023, the political landscape is expected to contribute to the evolving market dynamics.
Expressing a preference for mega-caps due to their reasonable valuations and greater immunity to negative developments, Kotak Securities noted that mega-caps are currently in a bear market. In contrast, low-quality midcaps and small caps are deemed to be in a bubble market, with unrealistic narratives attached to many stocks.
In the bull case scenario, the report envisions the Nifty reaching the 24,260 mark, while in the bear case scenario, it sees the index at 19,408. The observation that low-quality midcaps and smallcaps are in a bubble market underscores the need for cautious optimism in navigating the evolving market landscape. Investors are urged to remain vigilant and consider the nuanced dynamics at play as they position themselves in the coming months.