Graphisads Ltd, a leading player in the integrated advertising and communication solutions, on Wednesday listed on the NSE Emerge Platform after a successful intial public offering (IPO) earlier this month.The stock opened at Rs 111.50, a slight premium over the IPO price of Rs 111, and rose to a high of Rs 112 before paring gains to close at Rs 105.95, according to stock exchange data.

Incorporated in 1987, Graphisads is an integrated marketing, advertising, and communications agency providing 360-degree solutions to its wide array of clients. It provides advertising services on the work orders received by the government sector, private sector and other public sector entities.Through the IPO, which closed on December 5, the firm raised over Rs 53 crore through issue of 48.12 lakh fresh equity shares of face value Rs 10 each. The shares were listed on the SME platform of the National Stock Exchange (NSE).