Bisleri has roped in actor Deepika Padukone as its first global brand ambassador in the new campaign Bisleri #DrinkItUp. As per the company, the ad film showcases Padukone grooving to a snappy and modern take on the iconic song ‘Jhoom Jhoom Jhoom Baba’ while relishing the pure refreshment of the original beverage, ‘water.’

Talking about the appointment, Jayanti Chauhan, vice chairperson, Bisleri International, said, “Our new campaign Bisleri #DrinkItUp is embracing the fun and excitement of visualising hydration in an iconic style with Deepika Padukone for the first time ever. We are happy to have Padukone as our first global brand ambassador as her work and values align with our brand philosophy.”

The integrated campaign will be promoted across various platforms, including television, digital, out-of-home media, delivery vehicles, influencer engagement, OTT platforms, among others. Additionally, Padukone will also be part of all Bisleri product packaging.

“The Bisleri #DrinkItUp campaign is a significant step to contemporise the brand, increase brand love and have exciting conversations with our consumers,” Tushar Malhotra, head of marketing, Bisleri International, added.

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